It was very clear to me from the first round of the Utrecht Liszt competition that Jean Dubé was a very special performer, with a deep respect for the music he plays, an excellent sound, and an effortless command of the piano, and I was delighted that the other members of the jury came to the same conclusion. M. Dubé's artistry is quite exceptional, and highly to be recommended
Leslie Howard, pianist
Rhapsodie hongroise n°2 is virtually Liszt’s best-known work. Towards the end of the fast section, Liszt writes “cadenza ad libitum”, and many pianists have added their own improvisatory compositions at this point, notably Eugene d’Albert and Sergei Rachmaninov. With an appropriate lack of fear, and a good deal of swashbuckling and derring-do, Jean Dubé takes up the cudgels and follows their example with a hair-raising cadenza of his own!
Leslie Howard, pianist
There is no doubt that Jean Dubé is one of the most talented pianists of his generation. He has an astonishing technique allowing him to perform the most difficult works in the repertoire with an enviable ease. He can produce a huge sound and yet can also play with the utmost delicacy. He is an innate musician and responds to public performances with energy, eagerness and enthusiasm
John O'Conor, pianist, director Royal Irish Academy of Music
Jean Dubé. He was a child who was spontaneously making music in the same way as Hamilton was spontaneously making mathematics or Leibniz philosophy. There is a big difference between this type of a genius we meet just once in one’s career and the other students who are very gifted, very brilliant and much more numerous
André Peyregne, Principal of the National Regional Conservatoire of Nice, Le Monde de la Musique, France
Jean Dubé is not only a very brilliant pianist but also a deep and original musician. He is one of the great hopes of today’s piano
Jean Guillou, organist,Paris, France
Jean Dubé has been a student of mine for the last eight years. At only twelve years, he already had an astounding mastery of the piano, a deep musicality, an extremely powerful memory, no technical limits and an exceptional ability to understand: I saw a great future for him. His curriculum vitae proves I was not wrong. He already started a truly great career.
Jacqueline Robin, Honorary Professor (1967-1987) at the National Superior Conservatory of Music and Dance of Paris, 2001